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Do You Remember Lemuria and Atlantis?

These great empires and flourishing spiritual colonies played a pivotal role in our planet’s evolution. Yet, very little documented knowledge exists about these ancient civilizations. Some believe modern governments hold back more information than they share about these eras. Others feel that the knowledge is stored within the cellular memory of each soul currently walking the planet.

Over many years of self-study and dedicated practice, I have worked to retrieve memories of these specific incarnations and others. I have also thoroughly researched others who have recovered similar recollections and experiences. Additionally, I have had the honor of working with clients who hold their own fragments of these lost and forgotten civilizations.

For those who do remember bits and pieces of these lifetimes, certain challenges may arise, such as a sense of unrest, unexplained phobias of water or enclosed spaces, or an aversion to flames, even something as simple as a candle. In metaphysics, we understand that the soul reincarnates repeatedly, and trauma from previous lifetimes can embed itself into our consciousness, affecting our current experiences.

Using shamanic vision questing, I assist those who feel guided to me in accessing the Akashic Records, a metaphysical database and living energy intelligence that stores all information about individual soul existence, as well as the origins of knowledge throughout galaxies, solar systems, and universes.

As an Akashic Librarian for over a decade, I have accessed vital information on various subjects, including physical and spiritual phenomena in people’s lives. While this work is often done remotely over Zoom or similar platforms, I have recently begun converting these live experiences into prerecorded audio files. This allows me to serve a greater number of people, including those who may not yet feel ready to work with me directly in a mentoring setting, where these services are typically offered.

Many of us are hearing the call to activate our higher codes (our 12 strands of DNA). In my experience, the first step is to clear any lower entanglements. The trauma seeded during the eras of Lemuria and Atlantis still lives within many of us. It is my hope, through the guidance of Higher Self and the Councils of Light, that this process will assist many on their journey home to higher consciousness.

If you are reading this, know that there are no accidents.

The time is NOW.

With Love and Joy,

Krystos Galactic Shaman AuroRa DestanyRaven


Meditation Activation Details and Guidelines

All meditations (referred to as Activations) are recorded using Base 12 binaural rhythms and Solfeggio frequency healing tones to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Solfeggio Frequencies Used:

•UT - 396 Hz: Liberation from guilt and fear

•RE - 417 Hz: Facilitation of change

•MI - 528 Hz: DNA repair (Miracle tone)

•FA - 639 Hz: Love connections (healing relationships)

•SOL - 741 Hz: Heightened intuition (Ajna/Third Eye activation)

•LA - 852 Hz: Returning to Source / Spiritual order

Additionally, Crystal Bowls and Crystal Pyramids are tuned to frequencies of 528 Hz, 432 Hz, and 936 Hz to enhance the meditative experience.

⚡️Important Safety Note⚡️

DO NOT listen to these meditations (activations) while operating heavy machinery, driving motorized vehicles, or performing tasks that require alert cognitive functions. Each recording begins with detailed instructions , please follow them carefully.

⚡️Energy Infusion⚡️

All recordings are charged with Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy), Sekhem (Kemetic Reiki), and other higher-energy intelligences to support your healing and activation process.

⚡️Post-listening Recommendation⚡️

After each session, drink plenty of cold water to assist with grounding.


Meditation - Activation Details and Guidelines

All meditations (referred to as Activations) are recorded using Base 12 binaural rhythms and Solfeggio frequency healing tones to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Solfeggio Frequencies Used:

•UT - 396 Hz: Liberation from guilt and fear

•RE - 417 Hz: Facilitation of change

•MI - 528 Hz: DNA repair (Miracle tone)

•FA - 639 Hz: Love connections (healing relationships)

•SOL - 741 Hz: Heightened intuition (Ajna/Third Eye activation)

•LA - 852 Hz: Returning to Source / Spiritual order

Additionally, Crystal Bowls and Crystal Pyramids are tuned to frequencies of 528 Hz, 432 Hz, and 936 Hz to enhance the meditative experience.

⚡️Important Safety Note⚡️

DO NOT listen to these meditations (activations) while operating heavy machinery, driving motorized vehicles, or performing tasks that require alert cognitive functions. Each recording begins with detailed instructions , please follow them carefully.

⚡️Energy Infusion⚡️

Maharic Shield Activation

Purpose: Anchors the body to the 12th-dimensional (12D) Maharic frequency to protect, stabilize, and clear distortions.

Kathara Healing System

Purpose: Restores the integrity of the Kathara Grid, the 12-dimensional template of the human body and consciousness.

Seal and Implant Removal

Purpose: Clears negative energy implants and seals placed by fallen angelic agendas to block ascension and distort DNA.

Core Template Healing

Purpose: Repairs distortions in the core light body template, restoring connection to Source energy.

⚡️Post-listening Recommendation⚡️

After each session, drink plenty of cold water to assist with grounding.

🚨Detox Symptoms🚨

During the release of lower-frequency energies, you may experience temporary detox symptoms, including:

•Emotional Shifts: Anger, fear, worry, irritability, sadness, or mood swings.

•Phobias: Awareness of certain fears arising from ego awareness.

•Physical Symptoms: Fever, cold, flu, nausea, or diarrhea (as the body temple expels toxic energies contributing to dis-ease).

•Fatigue/Restlessness: Resulting from light-body regeneration and cellular restructuring.

•Body Pain: Joint or muscular pain (stretching, yoga, or tai chi can help).

•Skin Reactions: Itching, rashes, or sensations of hot and cold (salt baths, cold showers, or a Shaman’s bath are highly recommended).

Note: These symptoms are part of the detoxification process and typically subside within 1–3 days of consistent activation use. This is a natural part of releasing lower energies to create space for higher-frequency integration.

For assistance with downloads or any challenges, please visit the Contact Us section of our website:

Akashic Records Shamnic Healing -Journey to Lemuria and Atlantis

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