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Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven or S.D.R as her clients, students and supporters call her is a world renowned and loved Ascension Guide ,Master Intermediary Energy Facilitator and Adept Initiate, of Ancient and Esoteric Teachings. Her official galactic title given to her by the Founders/Guardian of  benevolent Star Councils is Ascension Guide ,Galactic Shaman, Quantum Facilitator and Scalar Alchemist . In December 2021 after a session with world renowned Healer, Channel and best selling author Sal Rachele it has been confirmed that Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven is indeed a Higher (Cosmic Mind) Consciousness, benevolent Light Being from another Harmonic universe (ancient soul) and has come to teach others how to achieve ASCENSION ,as an interdimensional traveler . She has also specifically incarnated on Earth at this time to assist with the planets bio-energetic field as a Grid-Worker and travels the globe to activate the Ley Lines of Pachamama (Mother Earth) to hold higher frequency.


Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven is a born and developed Seer ,Highly Intuitive empath/telepath , psychic-medium, cosmic telepathic channel , that has developed a multi-linguistic connection to what is commonly known as GOD Language or STAR language of LIGHT. Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven is a doctor of metaphysics and divinity (divination) teachings with the Universal Life Church (ordained since 2016) . She also holds multiple certifications as a master quantum energy healer in Kathara Healing ,traditional (Japanese trained) Usui Reiki , Holy Fire Reiki , Light of Lemuria , Blue Star Healing ,Rose Reiki ,Skhm (Egyptian) Reiki ,Violet Flame Reiki and many other HIGH Shaktis ( intelligent subtle energies) .In addition to her many talents she is a five octave trained vocalist, drummer, and certified sound healer with crystal bowls. She also has extensive experience  in ancient and traditional shamanic healing work ,Rites of Passage Initiations and Star Activations as an initiated practitioner.


Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven is a proud member of the world wide accredited Society for Shamanic Practice were she connects with shamans from around the world 'Shaman's without boarders' to do ceremony and healing for the planet that is Gaia's 3d body ,Earth.


She is dedicated to utilizing all her many years of training and natural abilities to assist those who are truly and divinely guided to her by their HigherSelf to ASCEND .


Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven was born in Clarendon Jamaica West Indies. She is able to see faeries, elementals dragons, mermaids, as well as, being from the upper dimensions and able to speak to animals since she  began speaking at age one.  When she was 3 years old she had her first NDE( near death experience) as she curiously drank (what her family recalls as )drop size amount of bleach. She came back to the world after a few linear moments forever changed. She recalls that day (through Shamanic journeying years later) as the first of many initiations into her shamanic path began to take form. It was also revealed to her by a group of elder shamans that supported her through her journeying experiences that this was indeed a "normal" life-path for many who are called to service . As a result of a total of 4 NDE, Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven continues to retain parallel/past life memories of Yu, Mu, Atlantis and all of Ancient Lemuria , Egypt, Mesopotamia and many other incarnations both on and off planet Earth. She can also access into worlds that not many could find and return from during her brief work with necromancy as she was guided further into the ancient teachings of the occult. Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven is a known ET contactee and one of a small number of incarnates that has extensively worked with TRUE Geomantic Cosmic Mind (Ascended Masters) . Spiritual development of this magnitude in the modern world requires discipline and dedication to raise her frequencies for rare access to physical (face to face) experiences with Inner earth civilizations , galactic federations ,higher dimensional, and Spiritual (incorporeal collectives).  


This would eventually lead to her leaving her corporate job where she processed medical and dental claims. As time went on she would also leave the music industry that she was apart of most of her life . While her love for music as a professionally trained vocalist ,with a five octave range led her to working with some of the biggest and best in the industry, she could no longer ignore the call of spirit.  


While her first initiation took place at age 16 after her life changing experience, and her second initiation at age 22 she would not align with her true path until years later after much shadow healing work. After her trance induced initiation with the (benevolent) Mantis beings (2013) she was now ready to except the mission of her full time role as a “ Ascension Guide and Galactic Shaman” . In addition to many accomplishments, being one of the spiritual community’s most beloved, supportive and influential wayshowers, she spends most of her time connecting with clients from all over the worlds . 


Everywhere from NYC ,Texas, California ,Hawai’i, England, Australia, New Zealand, Bali, Thailand, China , India, Africa, Greece, and countless other places . Many people all over the world know and honor Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven. She upholds professional and integral teaching environments , while also being present and in gratitude. These benevolent choices has allowed her to maintain deep connections with her clients, who she considers SOUL family . 


Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven does her very best to ensure that each experience is unique and tailored to her clients desires. She uses a multitude of modalities to connect each clients with their HigherSelf (super consciousness) , and Angelic support team . She has also been able to access the Akashic Records to give detailed and accurate information of incarnations through lifecycles for her clients. As a trained Shamanic practitioner she incorporates the traditional rituals with her own authentically guided techniques to administer healing and spiritual growth.


Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven provides authentic and verifiable information to help aid and assist her clients journey through this life experience. She has clients of a wide and diverse group and accommodates everyone from the retail worker, public school teacher, single parent, college student ,to the small business starter . There is also no separation with the status of her clients and she is able to connect with the most successful freelancers, architect, established children’s book illustrator, celebrity personal chief, musicians, investment bankers, highly ranked government official, and even a CEO of successful product company . All have credited Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven to assisting in their path of spiritual development. This purposeful act of equal service to everyone guarantees dedication to her mission of assisting anyone who spirit guides her way, without needing to focus on comparing the ranks of her clientele. She truly provides services for everyone, and in every stage of development.  



Along with her many contributions to humanity through her energy healing work, she founded the EARTH GUARDIAN ALLIANCE and is a member of the EARTH MAGIC ALLIANCE where she is recognized as a powerful Grid-keeper (land healer /activator) of sacred sites around the planet. This work is so very important as it not only helps Earth's planetary body, but it also helps clearing the collective consciousness field both in physical and astral realms. Shaman(Aurora) DestanyRaven also mentors and works closely with other coaches to help them expand their light to assist others through her ASCENSION PROTOCOL MENTORSHIP and GALACTIC SHAMANISM APPRENTICESHIP courses . She firmly believes in the “each one teach one” principal and strives to help awaken ALL to their HIGHEST benevolent light . Although she has a very full schedule, she still finds the time to connect one-on-one with anyone who reaches out to her through PM( private message) ,DM ( direct message), and daily emails, interviews and speaking engagements in person or online. 


Shaman (Aurora) DestanyRaven goal is to continue to be a bridge between worlds for all who are guided to seek out her mastery. She continues to expand her life’s work of unity consciousness with many of her fellow light workers and looks forward to achieving her own ascension into 5D (Tara) or higher harmonics and to assist others to do the same.


May ALL who seek to REMEMBER do so!

And so it is!

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