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Exploring the Akashic Records can be pure magic harnessed from the Akasha . When we uncover the mysterious secrets that the records have to share we can take a more active role in creating the world we want to live in.

The Akashic Records has many different pathways and each one has a significant role in helping us navigate the material world .

This shamanic journey takes you into one of the places that the Akasha flourishes its magic the most! The Garden Sanctuary has been spoken of in many ancient texts and scriptures as a lush garden oasis with the power to create and transform lives in an instant. When working with the energies in the Garden Sanctuary you are instantly transported to your future self . This version of you reveals key insights into how you can merge your consciousness and begin living your life as you always intended.

This journey into the Akashic Records allows you to make informed decisions that will ultimately shape and mold your life based on the glimpses of your potential future that is made visible to you by the magic of the Akasha.

Over the years I have learned that no matter what your future holds, the most important thing is to know that you can be happy in your now!

See you in the journey!

In Munay

Galactic Shaman Aurora DestanyRaven

Akashic Records Journey to your Garden Sanctuary for Quantum TimeJump

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