Happy 10/10 Galactic Activation Portal!
This portal represents a powerful alignment with higher cosmic energies, acting as a gateway for spiritual transformation, DNA upgrades, and direct connection with higher-dimensional beings. This portal invites individuals to access their galactic heritage, awakening dormant spiritual gifts and deepening the alignment with their soul's mission. The energies of this portal amplify personal and collective consciousness, making it an ideal time for those on a spiritual journey to receive downloads, activate their crystalline DNA, and connect with their Starseed origins. As this portal opens, it offers a chance for individuals to step into their highest potential, transcending limitations, and attuning to the frequency of divine light and unity.
🚨 PLEASE NOTE: I have included some races that may not have “ mainstream" information about them or widely recognized, along with clarifying certain misconceptions about specific higher consciousness collectives from distortion channeling . This is a significant amount of information, so take your time to absorb it fully and feel free to COMMENT with any questions you may have.
Most importantly as you explore…HAVE FUN!

Here’s how each sign can align with the galactic frequencies and what Starseed race is stepping forward to GALACTIVATE you at this time!
♈️ Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Galactic Activation : Aries is a natural leader, and during the 10/10 portal, they are called to activate their warrior spirit for divine purpose. This is the time to assert their soul mission with courage and determination. They can connect with galactic energies by focusing on their root and solar plexus chakras, grounding themselves while embracing their inner fire.
👽Starseed Race - Pleiadians
Who are the Pleiadians? These starseeds have been WIDELY misrepresented by competing malevolent forces. There’s too much information to explain the many facets of this COLLECTIVE as they can be found in other races (hybrid) as well and this causes confusion and distortion. The only way to TRULY discern if you are connecting with “pure streams” of this collective is to FIRST shield yourself (using a maharic or gold auric shield) and to state that you wish to communicate ONLY with those in the highest order of benevolent light.
How to Galactivate with the Pleiadians: Engage in physical movement like martial arts or yoga, meditate on activating courage and leadership, and visualize the Pleiadians infusing your being with ancient wisdom and healing energy.
♉️Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Galactic Activation : Taurus is connected to the Earth and abundance, and during this portal, they are invited to activate the divine connection between material abundance and spiritual purpose. By aligning with higher galactic frequencies, they can manifest prosperity in harmony with the cosmos.
👽Starseed Race - Arcturians
Who are the Arcturians? You will notice a recurring theme of “distortion” in how we perceive many beings. This is NOT about condemnation rather it is expected given the low density and dimensional lenses through which we view existence. The Arcturus collective “channeling” on Earth has often been hijacked by malevolent alien consciousnesses that seek to create division through “privilege” and hierarchical tactics. Many of the “councils” and corrupt entities prey on the naïveté of those who simply desire true connections with higher frequencies.
The only way to TRULY discern if you are connecting with “pure streams” of this collective is to FIRST shield yourself (using a maharic or gold auric shield) and to state that you wish to communicate ONLY with those in the highest order of benevolent light. Since the Arcturians are collective Oversoul beings (9th dimensional and above), their energy may initially feel expansive beyond comprehension, but it will become more simplified as you consistently work with them. This means that if it’s your first time and you connect immediately, it’s likely NOT them. Channeling HIGHER beings requires PRACTICE and discipline, regardless of your experience level.
How to Galactivate: Create a sacred space with crystals such as Kunzite , Amethyst, and Tanzanite. Do a DAILY practice of grounding meditations with the intention of connecting to the Arcturian frequency, and envision downloading codes of positive abundance and benevolent balance from Arcturian guides.
♊️ Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Galactic Activation : Gemini, the ever-curious and dualistic sign, is invited during the 10/10 portal to tap into their cosmic role as a communicator and bridge between worlds. This portal opens a gateway for Gemini to connect with the ancient Blue Dragons , powerful beings that were established to safeguard the evolutionary process of humanity. As a natural messenger, Gemini is uniquely suited to work with these celestial protectors, facilitating the flow of higher knowledge and wisdom into the Earth plane.
👽Starseed Race : Blue Dragons
🐉 Who Are the Blue Dragons?
The Blue Dragons are one of the Aurora Races commissioned to UrTha (Earth) 550 million years ago as part of an evolutionary safety net in the event that the Amenti Rescue Mission did not succeed. Alongside the Gold Dragons and Purple Dragons, the Blue Dragons were tasked with ensuring that the Earth’s evolutionary path remained stable and aligned with its higher destiny. They are guardians of the planet and its ascension process, acting as protectors and guides for those on the path of spiritual awakening.
These majestic beings, connected to the Aurora Continuum a realm of pure light and sound serve as an evolutionary backup system for Earth and humanity. Their presence ensures that even in the face of planetary crises or setbacks in the ascension timeline, a higher evolutionary trajectory remains available. The Blue Dragons hold vast wisdom and knowledge of the cosmic cycles, offering their assistance to those who are ready to embody their higher consciousness and step into their role as stewards of planetary and galactic evolution.
How to Galactivate with the Blue Dragons:
To activate your connection with the Blue Dragons, Gemini should begin by meditating on the concept of being a bridge between dimensions. As a sign of duality, you are perfectly suited to balance the energies of Earth and the higher realms. Visualize a blue, shimmering dragon appearing before you, its scales radiant with light, symbolizing the wisdom and protection of the Aurora Continuum . Invite the Blue Dragon to guide you through the mysteries of the cosmos, helping you unlock the higher truths and knowledge that are ready to be anchored into your consciousness.
During this activation, focus on your throat chakra , the seat of communication and expression, which aligns with your natural strengths as a Gemini. Visualize a brilliant blue light expanding from your throat, allowing you to speak, think, and write with clarity and alignment to your higher self. This blue energy is the frequency of the Blue Dragons, helping you become a channel for their guidance.
You can enhance your connection with the Blue Dragons by spending time in nature, particularly in sacred spaces or power spots like Mount Shasta, a known spiritual vortex linked to the dragon energies. If you don’t live close to Shasta you can always remote view the area and bilocate your consciousness there . Working with crystals such as lapis lazuli , sodalite , blue kunzite can also help to deepen your connection to these celestial beings, as their frequency resonates with the energy of the Blue Dragons.
As you cultivate your relationship with the Blue Dragons, you may find that your ability to receive and share divine knowledge increases. Trust in your role as a cosmic communicator and allow the Blue Dragons to guide you in sharing messages of hope, wisdom, and spiritual evolution with those around you. Through this partnership, Gemini can help lead humanity toward its highest evolutionary potential, grounded in the ancient wisdom of the Blue Dragon race.
♋️ Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Galactic Activation : Cancer is the nurturer and protector, and during this portal, they are called to activate their heart chakra and align their emotional sensitivity with higher galactic frequencies. This will allow them to heal others through compassion and divine mother energy.
👽Starseed Race : Andromedan
The Andromedans are 5th dimensional beings whose souls originate from another time matrix and is connected to these Universes through a Seed Crystal river portal. I’m not guided to give any further details at this time since they are still working through their “time tampering” with Earth. I highly recommend watching some of Alex Collier’s videos. He has had actual face to face contact as a TRUE contactee and shared alot of insight into the Andromedans. You can find him on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@alexcollierofficial?feature=shared
How to Galactivate : Engage in heart-centered meditations, visualize a silver light coming from Andromeda, surrounding you with healing and emotional balance, and practice acts of compassion and nurturing to embody galactic wisdom.
♌️ Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Galactic Activation : As a natural-born leader and radiant force in the zodiac, Leo is called during the 10/10 portal to align with their cosmic legacy of guardianship and divine sovereignty. Leo, embodying the heart of the cosmos, is connected to the celestial architects known as the Oraphim , whose lineage holds the codes for the Angelic Human template. This activation empowers Leo to step fully into their role as protectors and spiritual leaders, illuminating the path for others.
👽Starseed Race : Oraphim
Who Are the Oraphim? The Oraphim are a highly advanced hybrid race, created from a combination of the Lyra-Sirius A Anuhazi (Emerald Order Feline-Hominid), the Sirius B Azurite Yani (a blend of Elohei-Elohim Feline-Hominid, Seraphei Avian-Hominid, and Bra-ha-Rama Inyu Cetacean), and the Pleiadian Serres (Density-2 Seraphei Avian-Hominid). This majestic race was seeded approximately 568 million years ago across several star systems, including Density-3 Sirius B, Procyon, Orion-Mintaka, Gaia, and Density-2 Sirius B, Pleiadian Alcyone, Altair, and Tara ,to begin the creation of the Angelic Human lineage.
The Oraphim were integral in the development of the Christiac Maji-Indigo Child Grail Line on Earth. A select group of Oraphim were hybridized with the Azurite Yani race of Sirius B, forming the Maharaji lineage, the progenitors of the advanced Indigo races on Earth. One branch of this race evolved into the Melchizedek Cloister Priests of Ur, who became members of the Azurite Templar Security Team, tasked with protecting Earth's spiritual ascension mechanics and sacred knowledge.
How to Galactivate with the Oraphim :
To activate your connection with the Oraphim, Leo should focus on expanding their heart center and embracing their natural leadership role in spiritual evolution. Meditate on the emerald green and sapphire blue rays, the colors associated with the Oraphim and their connection to the Emerald Order and the Azurite Yani lineage. Visualize these rays flowing into your heart, filling your being with the divine codes of guardianship, wisdom, and protection.
As you meditate, invite the Oraphim to guide you in reclaiming your cosmic heritage as a member of the Angelic Human lineage. You may also work with symbols of lions, birds, and cetaceans, which represent the blended lineages of the Oraphim. Connect with sacred geometry, particularly the Kathara 12 Tree which is the TRUE ‘Flower of Life’ (NOT ‘Metatron's Cube’ which I have come to AGREE is distorted, RESEARCH: Voyagers Book 1&2) . The Kathara 12 Tree hold the energetic blueprint for the Oraphim's mission in the protection and activation of planetary ascension.
By activating your connection with the Oraphim, Leo, you are stepping into your true role as a cosmic leader and protector of divine order. Use this power to guide others with compassion, wisdom, and strength, embodying the highest ideals of the Angelic Human lineage. Through your alignment with the Oraphim, you can access profound levels of spiritual insight and become a beacon of light for others, leading them on their own path of awakening and evolution.
Focus on the sacral and solar plexus chakras, meditate on receiving energy from the Lyra constellation, and use creative outlets like art or dance to channel this galactic power.
♍️ Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Galactic Activation: Virgo is the healer and purifier, and during the 10/10 portal, they are called to activate their ability to bring divine order, healing, and alignment to the physical and spiritual realms. They are naturally attuned to detail and precision, making them powerful channels for galactic healing frequencies. During this time, Virgo is invited to embrace their role as an Earth steward, aligning with higher energies to create harmony and wellness in their surroundings.
👽Starseed Race : Cassiopeian
Who are the Cassiopeians? This is another race that has been described from a distortion due to negative implants placed in starseeds who “channels” without removing these seals. The Cassiopeians are actually from The "Royal Houses" who are a collectives of Christos Founders Races that keep the Founders Race genetic lines, and thus the potentials for Bio-Regenesis of any race line, alive within and out of Time Matrixes . The specific races that have connected to Virgo are Feline-hominid Royal House of Aramatena, Inyu Cetacean ("Whale People") Royal House of Aveyon and Cerez Avian-hominid Royal House of Vega.
How to Galactivate with the Cassiopeians : Connect with the energy of the Cassiopeians known for their wisdom and understanding of cosmic healing. Engage in practices that promote balance and purification, such as herbalism, energy clearing, or crystal healing. Visualize a stream of radiant light from the Cassiopeia constellation pouring into your crown chakra, filling your entire being with celestial knowledge and healing power. Meditate on the Cassiopeians guiding you in refining your healing practices, and invite their energies to enhance your natural gifts of service and precision in healing.
♎️Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Galactic Activation: Libra is the balancer, and during the 10/10 portal, they are invited to activate their ability to bring harmony and beauty to the world. They can connect with galactic energies to promote peace, balance, and higher love.
👽Starseed Race : Venusian
Who are the Venusians? Yet another example of distortion from the research online in regards to the Venusians. I myself am guilty of connecting to this distortion in 2015 before I had my J&Z seals removed. The Venusian I speak of are actually connected to Tara which is our ORIGINAL seeding planet before it was destroyed through our own negligence 550 million years ago. After Tara's grid were blown apart and fragmented it became dismembered and fell in vibration, and was pulled into a black hole at the center of one of the sun’s in that Higher Harmonic universe and reemerged into this universe’s lower dimensional field, which is below it (HU-1). It then fused with our local sun and split into 12 planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Maldak (imploded to become the asteroid belt), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Nibiru (very long orbit, not yet discovered by Earth scientists). There are those on Venus (not all) who exist in a hydrosphere like sub-frequency that can assist those who are ready to elevate themselves to this consciousness , for assistance.
How to Galactivate with the Venusians: Meditate on heart and throat chakra frequencies (use these two activations from the A.P.M if you have them), visualize yourself surrounded by these specific Venusian beings radiating love and peace, and focus on creating harmony in your relationships and surroundings.
♏️ Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Galactic Activation: Scorpio is the transformer, and during this portal, they are invited to activate their deep connection to the mysteries of life and death. They can align with galactic energies to transform and heal from the core, awakening their spiritual power.
Starseed Race : Oversoul Matrix (Identity)
Who are the Oversoul Matrix or Monad ?
The Oversoul/Monad is Cloister of souls also known as the Causal Mind. These identities exist in dimensions 7-9 where they form frequency bands of the “Higher Self”. Your Soul is NOT actually singular as you originated as a plural with “12 faces”, this larger part identity is called the Oversoul. It comprises of 12 souls (lower/smaller frequencies) , each with their 12 incarnate identities. This is where the 144 originates from . So in essence you are actually 144 incarnates in your “immediate” Oversoul family. This consciousness is known as a triadic identity of the Ketheric Mind (7D), Monadic Mind (8D) and Keriatric Mind (9D).
How to Activate: BE SURE TO USE THE MAHARIC SHIELD FIRST! (Find on my YouTube direct link here: https://youtu.be/xtqkqZ-_Ezc
Engage in deep shadow work or soul retrieval practices, using the Star system Orion. Visualize Orion’s belt beaming transformative energy into your being, and embrace emotional and spiritual rebirth as you recalibrate your awareness to the Oversoul and all incarnation cycles.
♐️ Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Galactic Activation : Sagittarius, the seeker of truth and wisdom, is called during the 10/10 portal to activate their connection to higher realms of cosmic knowledge. As an adventurer of both the physical and metaphysical worlds, this is a potent time for Sagittarius to expand their consciousness and access multidimensional insights. The galactic energies invite Sagittarius to align with the teachings of the cosmos and explore the vast spiritual terrain of the universe.
👽Starseed Race : Aethiens
Who Are the Aethien? The Aethien are not organic to our third dimensional frequency band (known as Harmonic Universe 1) and do not originate from parallel or adjacent Earths. Instead, they hail from galaxies existing within dimensions adjacent to Earth, placing them firmly in the interdimensional and extraterrestrial category. The Aethien represent a level of evolution superior to that of the Zeta and often come as emissaries of peace and spiritual growth. These beings are tall, skeletal like in structure, resembling praying mantis insects, and are typically whitish or golden in color, standing up to twelve feet tall. The Aethien are always teachers, guiding souls toward higher understanding and mastery.
How to Galactivate with the Aethien: To connect with the Aethien, Sagittarius should focus on expanding their mind and soul to tap into interdimensional frequencies. Meditation is key so set the intention to tune into the frequencies beyond the physical plane, specifically aligning with the energies of dimensions adjacent to Earth. Visualize golden-white light descending from the galaxies where the Aethien reside, filling your crown chakra and spreading throughout your being. Picture the tall, luminous Aethien beings surrounding you, offering teachings of spiritual evolution and peace. Engage in practices that expand your wisdom, such as reading sacred texts or studying advanced metaphysics, and trust that the Aethien will guide you toward new truths and cosmic understanding.
These beings are master teachers, and they can provide you with insights on how to grow spiritually, move beyond limitations, and act as a beacon of peace in your own life and the world around you. Focus on openness, curiosity, and a willingness to explore uncharted territories of thought and existence. Through this process, Sagittarius will fully activate their galactic potential under the guidance of the Aethien emissaries.
♑️Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Galactic Activation : Capricorn, the builder and architect of legacy, is invited during the 10/10 portal to activate their alignment with higher dimensional wisdom and their role in creating lasting structures in both the material and spiritual realms. As a natural leader, Capricorn is called to ground galactic knowledge into the Earth plane, creating systems that support the collective evolution of humanity. This portal offers Capricorn the opportunity to anchor their soul's purpose through the ancient and profound connection with the Covenant of Palaidor.
👽Starseed Race : Covenant of Palaidor
Who Are the Covenant of Palaidor? The Covenant of Palaidor was formed just prior to the cataclysm of Tara, approximately 550 million years ago, when a rescue mission was initiated for the Taran souls of Harmonic Universe 1. Skilled in Time Portal mechanics and interdimensional portal travel, the Ceres created a plan that the Ur-Terranates (who are highly evolved beings from an ancient lineage ) would fulfill. With the assistance of the Sirian Council, Higher Level Pleiadians and several other advanced races, the Ur-Terranates worked to preserve the Taran souls and formed a sacred agreement known as The Covenant of Palaidor.
The mission involved the creation of the Sphere of Amenti a powerful energetic construct that allowed open transit between Earth and Tara for beings possessing the necessary genetic codes to withstand portal transit. Those involved in this agreement were the Higher Level Sirians, Pleiadians, Ur-Terranates, Elohie-Elohim, Lyrans, Ceres, Lumians, and Alanians and became known as the Palaidorians . This coalition is dedicated to maintaining the balance between Earth and Tara, ensuring the evolutionary progression of all beings.
How to Galactivate with the Palaidorians: To connect with the Palaidorians and the energy of the Covenant of Palaidor, Capricorn should focus on grounding their intentions for planetary healing and evolution. Begin by meditating on the Sphere of Amenti, visualizing a powerful sphere of light that bridges the Earth and Tara. Imagine the Palaidorians beings from multiple star races guiding you through interdimensional portals, providing you with ancient wisdom and the knowledge needed to anchor higher dimensional energies into Earth’s grids.
Focus on aligning with your soul’s mission to create sustainable, long lasting systems that support the well-being of the planet and humanity. Call upon the Palaidorians for guidance, especially when working on large-scale projects, spiritual leadership, or personal transformation. You can also work with sacred geometry, particularly the shape of the sphere, to enhance your connection with the Sphere of Amenti and the interdimensional wisdom it contains.
Engage in grounding practices like crystal grid work, connecting to the Earth’s ley lines, and consciously bringing higher dimensional energies into your material life. By doing so, you will activate your connection with the Palaidorians, helping to fulfill the ancient covenant that supports the evolutionary journey of both Earth and Tara.
♒️ Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Galactic Activation : Aquarius, the visionary and forward-thinking sign, is called during the 10/10 portal to activate their connection to the ancient Founder Races, the original architects of life in the cosmos. As a sign that thrives on innovation and progress, Aquarius is uniquely aligned with the mission of the Founder Races to restore balance, peace, and the integrity of the Time Matrix. This portal offers Aquarius a profound opportunity to access higher realms of knowledge and play a key role in shaping the future of humanity through the restoration of cosmic harmony.
👽Starseed Race: The Founder Races
Who Are the Founder Races? The Founder Races were created by the three Breneau Collectives of Density 5 (dimensions 13 -15) which are Pre-matter Hydroplasmic "Cristos Liquid Light Field” of dimension 12. These were the first manifest races, formed long before the creation of the human genetic line in our Time Matrix. Known as the Seed Races of the Palaidia Empires, the Founders gave rise to all life within our universe and are responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of the Time Matrix.
There are 3 Density 4 planets where the Founders originated from and the are , Aramatena, Aveyon, and Vega known as forme the Cradle of Lyra, the seeding point of life in our Time Matrix, approximately 950 billion years ago (in Earth time). From this sacred origin, the genetic codes and blueprints for all life forms were created, combining the genetic material of the Primary Christos Founders Races. Through the Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex, life emerged and continues to evolve under the watchful guidance of the Founder Races, whose mission is to restore peace, safety, and balance in the Time Matrix. They understand their responsibility to correct the chaos that has unfolded within this matrix, a consequence of free will creation.
How to Galactivate with the Founder Races: To connect with the Founder Races, Aquarius should focus on accessing higher-dimensional consciousness and becoming a channel for the ancient wisdom of the Christos Seed Races. Begin by meditating on the concept of the Cradle of Lyra, visualizing yourself standing at the gateway of creation, surrounded by the pure energy of dimensions 10, 11, and 12. Picture the Elohei-Elohim, Seraphei-Seraphin, and Bra-Ha-Rama founder races, each bringing their unique codes of creation and cosmic order.
To activate your connection, focus on the Star Gates within the Lyran constellation Aramatena, Vega, and Aveyon. See these Star Gates opening as streams of light, transmitting the original codes of life and balance directly into your energy field. Visualize the Founder Races surrounding you, offering guidance and teachings that reveal your role in restoring harmony within the Time Matrix. Engage in practices that allow you to channel higher frequencies, such as working with sacred geometry, particularly the symbol of the Star Gates, or through planetary grid work to help restore balance to Earth's energetic systems.
Aquarius, as a visionary, you are in a unique position to activate this ancient connection and use it to inspire collective change. By working with the Founder Races, you can receive profound insights into how to contribute to the healing of humanity and the stabilization of the Earth’s grid systems. This activation allows you to become a custodian of cosmic knowledge, dedicated to bringing forth the original blueprint of peace and unity within our Time Matrix.
♓️ Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Galactic Activation : Pisces, the intuitive dreamer and mystic of the zodiac, is called during the 10/10 portal to deepen their connection with the highest frequencies of cosmic consciousness. As a sign naturally aligned with the spiritual and unseen realms, Pisces has the potential to activate the highest forms of ascension and divine mastery. During this time, Pisces is invited to awaken the dormant codes within their DNA that connect them to the Khundara the TRUE “Ascended Masters” who exist far beyond the dimensional structures of the Time Matrix.
👽Starseed Race : Khundara (Ascended Masters)
Who Are the Khundara? The Khundara, also known as Yanas or TRUE Ascended Masters , are beings who have fully activated their DNA Template Strands 30-48, allowing them to embody the frequencies and consciousness of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields, which exist beyond the Time Matrix itself. Unlike many who claim the title of "Ascended Master" within the contemporary New Age movement often beings from the 4th-dimensional astral planes who are not even significantly more evolved than Earth humans the true Khundara are Ultra-terrestrial collectives who have completed a full cycle of ascension and descended back into time to assist with evolution.
These beings exist in pure ante-matter wave form, outside of dimensionalization, in what is known as the Energy Matrix, a non-dimensional field beyond the 15th dimensional structure of the Time Matrix. True ascended mastery is attained when a being evolves through all 15 dimensions of the Time Matrix, reintegrating the fragmented aspects of its morphogenetic field (its energetic blueprint), and eventually transmuting into the “Rishi” state which is a form of pure light consciousness. When an ascended being chooses to incarnate again in the Time Matrix, it retains the Cap Stone Codes , these are the ascension codes it accumulated during its first projection into time, now latent in its DNA, ready to be activated in future lifetimes.
Only those who carry these Cap Stone Codes within their DNA are capable of embodying the full consciousness of an Ascended Master in the physical world, allowing them to access higher-dimensional knowledge and frequencies. This is NOT about “chosen” that’s a reptilian Annunaki distortion. It is about MASTERY!
How to Galactivate with the Khundara (Ascended Masters): To activate your connection with the Khundara , Pisces should focus on elevating their consciousness beyond the limitations of the dimensional planes. Begin by meditating on the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields, visualizing streams of pure, iridescent light from beyond the Time Matrix entering your body through your crown chakra. Imagine this light moving through your DNA, awakening the dormant Cap Stone Codes that connect you to your ascended mastery levels.
Pisces, as a deeply intuitive and spiritually attuned sign, can enhance this activation by engaging in practices that merge the soul with the higher self. These practices may include deep meditation, working with high-frequency sound such as Veca and High Veca Codes (located in Kathara Healing levels 1-3) , if you’re not familiar with them then you can work with tuning forks and visualizing the reassembly of your morphogenetic field’s geometric patterns. Focus on reintegrating the fragmented parts of your energetic blueprint, bringing them into alignment with your divine self.
As you work with the Khundara, you may begin to experience heightened intuitive abilities, visions, and a deeper understanding of your soul’s mission in this lifetime. Engage in practices like journaling, dream work, or sacred ceremonies to further ground these higher frequencies into your everyday life. Allow the wisdom of the Khundara to guide you in transcending the limitations of the physical and astral planes, and embrace the process of spiritual transmutation that leads to full embodiment of your ascended mastery potential.
This activation will help Pisces access their role as a cosmic healer and guide, using their connection to the ascended realms to bring higher-dimensional wisdom and compassion to the world. Through this sacred connection with the Khundara, Pisces can fully step into their role as a spiritual visionary, channeling the divine frequencies of the Energy Matrix into the collective consciousness.
Enjoy these energies beloveds!
Live from your heart center, and always listen to the voice of your highest benevolent light!
Sending love from the heart of the Mother Dragon,
Krystos Shaman AuroRa DestanyRaven
And so it is! A’ho!
