Greetings Beloved Soul Family!
If you’ve been in hermit/ hibernation mode like I have then this moon will beacon you out of your cocoon and into the world. It could be for some last minute errands that put you in perfect alignment with your highest benevolent timeline. Or it can be that you are finally mentally ready to take on new adventures that will bring you closer to your already established dreams. Since Aquarius has the tendency to be both metaphysical and reality based action it may very well be both. As a highly intuitive empath with my Sun sign and Venus in Aquarius , I can confirm that I’ve been feeling these forward momentums of change since Friday August 16th as the moon alignment began.

The theme for this moon in “ If at first you don’t succeed then reimagine success “.
How do you do that? Well it’s a lot more simple than you may think, or maybe not so much unless you speak Aquarius…lol. Good thing you have a fellow Aquarius translator! Now first things first think back to what you were doing August 2014 since that was the last time we had a “blue moon”. If you’re like me you journal quite a bit so this will be easy. If not , just do some research on world events and that may jog your memory a bit. Whatever you were doing I can guarantee that blue moon set the stage for some pretty life changing events that you’re currently enjoying right now. For example in 2014 I began focusing on my path as a shaman and by April of 2015 I had left my corporate job to commit my full dedication to the life I currently live. While this path wasn’t easy and came with shedding old beliefs, relationships and even eating habits, I wouldn’t change anything.

The good news is that this “blue moon’s”influence will happen much more rapidly than in 2014, and you may find yourself living the positive reinforcements of the last decade’s progress. This means faster creativity , some people will have mental fog breakthroughs. There’s also more opportunity to feel an abundance self-worth through your diligence and commitment to growth.

Since the moon’s proximity to Earth will be closer than normal (hence the perception and title) it is considered a super moon. So prepare for your emotions to be on steroids and rise as high as the tides do during this time. We are also in the tail end of Leo season (which is Aquarius opposite sign) that influences your heart. So this convergence of head (Aquarius is the brain’s of the zodiac) and heart will be the perfect opportunity for what Gregg Braden calls the “God gene” access point. So utilize this moon to not just let go of what no longer serves you, but to also bring your deepest desires into the physical world.

We also have Mercury retrograding in Leo and Uranus (ruler of Aquarius ) in Taurus. Which means these three fixed planets will literally shift you into forces and propel you into taking inspired action. Since Aquarius is known as the alien, humanitarian and innovative force of the zodiac, be prepared for some jaw dropping news that will open the portal into the “Great Shift” for humanity.

Aquarius are outspoken change makers ( like Bob Marley ) that use their artistic and eclectic influence to open the eyes, minds and hearts of the world. So if there is something that you feel strongly about ,and you have the platform to make a difference to even a few ,NOW IS THE TIME!

Aquarius in shadow can be quite disruptive to a fault as they tend to overthink and analyze the smallest details. So while you should be strategic about your actions try not to fall into analysis paralysis. Remember that Mercury likes to “stir the pot” of verbal conflict ,so choose your words carefully as you speak your truth with confidence and conviction. I find that “gentle parenting” those who may have challenges with your perspectives will help align them with these higher levels of consciousness and innerstanding. Also try not to be a “know it all” around those who haven’t discover the things you have yet. As an Aquarius who has a successful profession as a mentor and spiritual advisor/life coach, I much rather take the time to make things “teachable moments” rather than “I told you so’s “ any day!

Chiron ( the wounded healer) is retrograding in war prone Aries , so we may finally see a cease-fire in any battles both in our personal lives and on the world stage. This can only be achieved through our awareness of everyone’s point of view, with compassion of their negative influences of programming and propaganda that so much of the world has been subjected to.

It’s also worth noting that there are three mutable signs of Pisces retrograding in Saturn ,Venus in Virgo and Jupiter still in Gemini . These celestial interwoven swirling influences can give us realistic predictions on how to proceed into the “great unknown” of the future, without having to stay fearfully stagnant and looping the past. Sudden breakups (personal relationships or business partnerships) are highly likely. However if and when this happens (or may recently happened already) you need to ask yourself, “was it so out of the blue?”. Or were you just ignoring all the red flags hoping things would get sorted. Only you know for sure what you really desire in a partner and the sooner you stop setting for the “anyone is better than no one” mentality, the faster the right person will come to you.

Aquarius and its 11th house influences friendships, and group dynamics like clubs, social groups, and any organizations off or online . So it’s a great time for networking and making professional and professional connections. Remember that the 11th house brings attention to how we treat people in these group dynamics. So try not to have favoritism and share the connections evenly for a more balanced outcome in all situations pertaining to these particular partnerships.There a big emphasis on our hopes, dreams, divine destiny or calling and lots of opportunities to align with them. See where in these energies you are co-creating these possibilities and when the Higher Self is taking the lead for you to trust and go with the ebb and flow. Spoiler alert it should can be both!
Enjoy the full moon beloveds!
LIVE from your HEART center , and ALWAYS listen to the VOICE of your HIGHEST benevolent LIGHT!
Sending you Love, from the heart of the Mother 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟!
In Munay,
Krystos Shaman AuroRa DestanyRaven
And so it is! A’ho!

If you’d like to come and join me for 8 Weeks that will be guaranteed to change your life experience for the better, then join me this November 4, 2024 , for my next group of Ascension Protocol Mentorship course. Registration is NOW OPEN with INSTANT admission AFTER a FREE 30min consultation. Since I have the pleasure of working with 7 mentees as of August 5th, I will be taking 5 mentees for the next round and 1 spot has already been filled. With so many people waking up to the “true ascension” path I’m sure these spots will be filled in no time. So if you’re looking to expand with a qualified mentor of over 30+ years personal and over 15 years certified professional experience then JOIN ME NOW!
📚𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑫 in Ascension MENTORING EXCLUSIVELY with 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑴𝑨𝑵 𝑨𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒂 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒚𝑹𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏 ⁉️
STARTING November 2024!
(All LIVE Zoom Meeting access - Higher Self guidance and Shamanic Healings)
Located in BOOKINGS ➡️
(Activate someone you LOVE for the holidays, birthdays, or any day! 🥰)