Happy Full Moon 🌕 in Leo ♌️ !
This is an INTUITIVE ENERGY REPORT for the next 3 to 5 days. If you have SUN , MOON, RISING (Ascendant) in LEO or AQUARIUS you may want to pay very close attention to the guidance. As always PLEASE take ONLY what you resonates with and leave the rest.
Today’s full moon in Leo will lead many to balancing the head of Aquarius air influence with the courage of the Leo lion’s heart. Many of you will feel called to go inward as this moon can pack quite a potent surge of energies. Self-care should be an everyday practice HOWEVER life has a way of changing so rapidly that sometimes you don’t get to pamper yourself the way you should, simply because you deserve it. HOWEVER at least for the next 5 days this needs to be a priority as you move with the ebb and flow of this fiery path that Leo’s energies are shifting you towards.
Magical and mystical discoveries await those of you who have longed for adventures in the unseen worlds. Pay close attention to your meditations, and Dreamtime experiences as there will be amplify opportunities to heal childhood traumas and wounds from timelines of persecution. As the sun is in Aquarius (which is the opposing sign to Leo), many of you will call in your divine counterpart (if the Aquarius new moon has allowed them to appear already), to further your expansion in sacred convergence of ascension to you individual paths and our Universe.
In my weekly reading (Feb.14-Feb.20)I pulled the 2 of pentacles for Wednesday and Thursday , so I find no coincidence that we are in these energies now to bring balance in ALL that you do. Try not to take on too many things even through your strong enough to handle it. Remember that your universe always has an open buffet so you don’t have to pack your plate as if opportunities won’t come back around .
Light - bearers ( light-workers) it is time for you to lead the charge as awakened ones. Do not let your past defeat you , as those experiences have taught you a great deal about resilience and strength as you are indeed still standing in this NOW.
Chant …Om mani padme hum when you are feeling low in frequencies, take a warm salt bath, pour yourself a glass of wine, or cool beverage, turn on some soft music and be gentle with you MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. Call in your angelic forces of the highest light to be with you NOW and ALWAYS . This next phase of Gaia’s ascension will test the will of many as a new wave of subtle energies are sent from the higher dimensional realms into her celestial body to be distributed to ALL who dwell on her body. Ascension symptoms will increase as our bodies continue to change form and adapt to Earth NEW magnetic field . Time will continue to feel like it is on its way out because from a higher perspective it truly is!
When I asked the guides what’s happening they simply said
“We are calling you home to yourselves, and to us.”
So once again take advantage of these energies to assist you in balancing the mind and ACTIVATE the heart.
In Loving Service, Sending Gratitude, Love and Calling in the LIGHT!