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Electrokinesis and the Power Within: My Journey with Energy Healing

In the world of energy healing, one of the most remarkable phenomena I’ve experienced is the manifestation of electrokinesis , which is the ability to influence electricity through focused energy work. As I’ve deepened my practice and allowed higher frequencies to flow through me, I’ve witnessed events that transcend logical explanation. These moments serve as a profound reminder of the power we hold as conduits of energy and the limitless potential of human consciousness. I thought I’d share some examples of exhibiting our natural abilities in this way with previous firsthand experiences I’ve had working with electromagnetic waves of consciousness.

The Power Surge: Energy Atonements and Electrical Interference

One of the earliest signs of electrokinesis in my practice occurred during a series of energy atonements. My intention was to harmonize and raise the vibrational frequency of a group, assisting them in anchoring higher frequencies into their energy bodies. This was to be done remotely through Zoom of which there was about 7 participants from all around the world. As the session progressed, I could feel the charged energy building, like an electrical current coursing through my own body.

To my surprise (and theirs) the power in their homes flickered and then went out entirely for a second or five…lol. There wasn’t a localized power outage, and the electricity cut off in multiple areas simultaneously. The clients later described feeling a surge of energy run through their bodies, almost as if the electrical systems around them were mirroring the shifts happening within. It was a trippy experience that led me to exploring my own abilities and how I worked with my electrokinesis and teach others.

The J-Seals Removal and the Targeted Outage in Mexico

Another unforgettable moment came during an Etheric Implant Removal, where I was guided to clear the distortive J-Seals and Zeta Seals from a client’s energetic template. These implants are said to block natural energy flow and inhibit ascension pathways. In preparation for this removal I had to purchase a very large Organite pyramid created for frequency stimulation and stability.

As I began the removal, the energy was palpable, resonating at a level that seemed to stretch beyond the physical. Then, as I anchored the release, the electricity in my client’s house (an Airbnb rental) went out, but just their house. Every other house on the street remained unaffected.

The synchronicity was once again undeniable, and my client described a profound sense of freedom and lightness, as though years of energetic weight had been lifted. It was as if the energy shift had momentarily disrupted the electrical balance in their immediate environment. I also purchased a new crystal bowl that later shattered after the session was completed! Coincidence? You can be the judge of that, for me personally it’s never an accident, only cooperative components.

December 2024: The Chi Ball and a Building-Wide Blackout

The most recent experience, and perhaps the most striking, occurred in end of December 2024. I was guided to perform a powerful four-part Energy Healing System that incorporated advanced technique . Each stage built upon the last, culminating in the creation of a massive chi ball ( energy ball) a concentrated sphere of energy designed to anchor higher frequencies into the body while also facilitate deep healing.

As I sent the chi ball and anchored its frequency, the energy intensified. I saw the lights in my clients home go out and thought nothing of it at first since I saw it flickering first. By the time I reached the third anchoring, the lights in the entire building went out. This was according to my client who came back on the Zoom about 10 minutes later with the power still out using their neighbor’s hotspot to inform me the entire building was out of power. We made the decision to continue and as soon as my mentee anchored the last chi ball the lights came back one. The building is fairly new and there’s never been any electrical issues prior. I want to also mention that the week before when this same client and I were doing another atonement the Zoom flickered off and on but only for a few minutes. What made this moment even more extraordinary was that the client wasn’t even in the same country, they live in the far North Sweden, thousands of miles away from me in the US!

Distance, as we know in energy work, is irrelevant. The connection transcends physical space, operating in a field where intention, frequency, and resonance reign supreme.

A Message of Empowerment

These experiences are not about me, per se and I’m certainly not sharing to brag or boast, they’re about what they reveal to all of us. We are far more powerful than we realize. Electrokinesis and similar phenomena remind us that we are intimately connected to the fabric of the universe.

Electricity, at its core, is energy in motion. When we channel higher frequencies, it’s not surprising that the physical systems around us respond. What’s extraordinary is the realization that these abilities are not reserved for a select few. They are inherent in all of us, waiting to be remembered and reclaimed.

As we awaken to our true nature, we begin to see that our potential extends far beyond the limitations imposed by the physical world. These moments of power outages, energy surges, and transformations are more than just curious events they are glimpses into the profound interconnectedness of energy, consciousness, and creation.

So, the next time you feel the spark of energy within you, remember, you are not just a receiver of energy, you are a generator, a creator, a force of nature capable of shaping reality. The question is not whether you hold this power, it is whether you’re ready to embrace it.

With light and limitless potential,

Krystos Galactic Shaman-Aurora DestanyRaven

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